Kiabi revolutionized off-the-rack clothing in 1978 with a new, affordable French fashion line for the whole family. Since then, the popular retail brand has grown by leaps and bounds, and now has 1,000 company-owned and franchise stores across Europe, 8,700 employees and €1.9 billion in sales from 20 million customers.

Kiabi adopted a Jive Interactive Intranet to give workers a delightful digital environment.

Kiabi attributes much of this success to its culture of cultivating happiness and innovation, which got the company a “great place to work” accolade last year.

However, it is a real challenge for Kiabi to keep all of its employees informed and connected, especially since about 80% of them work in deskless roles. As part of the company’s recent transformation initiative, it is adopting a Jive Interactive Intranet to give workers a delightful digital environment for use cases like collaboration, communication, information sharing and enterprise search. 

Jive sat down with Kiabi’s director of strategic planning and communication, Christelle Archambault, to find out how our solution is helping retail companies like theirs to nurture an environment where happy employees create happy customers.

Thanks to this new platform, we’re now able to reinvent our communication and collaboration for the future. We can break up silos in the organization, drive profound changes in the enterprise and implement new, better ways of working together.

Christelle Archambault, director of strategic planning and communication at Kiabi, on Jive’s role in the company’s transformation


Christelle explains Kiabi’s mission “to clothe the world in happiness” and discusses how important the human element is to the company’s culture and DNA. She also describes how Jive is supporting the organization’s major effort to empower employees and increase their job satisfaction by creating a digital work environment they really like.

Christelle Archambault Discusses Kiabi's Jive-powered Interactive Intranet

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